Teen Vaping: Insights and Strategies for Parents

Are you worried your teenage child might be vaping? As a parent, it's natural to be concerned about the influences surrounding our adolescents, particularly when issues like teenage vaping are rising.

Vaping, despite its legal age restrictions, is increasingly becoming a widespread habit among teenagers. In fact, it's been labelled an "epidemic" by experts. The ASH Smokefree GB Youth Survey reveals that a staggering 20.5% of children have tried vaping, and 7.6% are currently using e-cigarettes.

While vaping serves as a cessation tool for some adults trying to stop smoking, it's an entirely different story when it comes to marketing. Colourful packaging and sweet flavours, specifically designed to lure young consumers, are just the tip of the iceberg. The allure of vaping for teenagers often hinges on its cool and rebellious image, an appeal actively exploited by social media influencers. Even though adverts promoting vapes are banned on platforms like TikTok, the use of e-cigarettes among influencers remains widespread.

It's important to understand that vaping is far from a harmless habit. Besides damaging the lungs and exacerbating asthma, vaping increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. Yet, the most vulnerable in this scenario are young people with developing brains at risk of nicotine's long-term, lasting effects. Nicotine addiction, mood disorders, permanent impulse control reduction, and harm to cognitive functions are all associated with teenage vaping—a fate you'd undoubtedly want to spare your child from.

However, it's crucial to maintain a balanced perspective. While vaping may seem ubiquitous in the media, it's less common among youngsters than one might think. As you mentioned, less than 8% of children in the UK are currently vaping. While this number is relatively low, it's essential to acknowledge that vaping is a reality for some teenagers, and its usage is rising. If you're concerned that your teen may be vaping, it's vital to have an open and informed conversation with them about the associated risks.

In this blog, we'll explore the hidden dangers of teenage vaping and provide you with the knowledge and tools to engage your teenager in a constructive conversation about this worrying trend.

Signs your teenager is vaping

You might notice increased coughing at night, irritability, and thirst. The usual giveaway is the fruity and sweet scents wafting from their room.

How to start the conversation

  • Choose a time and place to have a private conversation without distractions.
  • Start by letting your teen know you're concerned about them and want to talk to them about vaping.
  • Be open and honest with your teen. Let them know you're not there to judge them but want to help them make informed decisions about their health.

What to say

  • Talk to your teen about why they should want to quit, and then you can tailor your support accordingly. The environmental impact of single-use vapes can be a good motivator for young people.
  • Be empathetic and understanding. Let your teen know that you know they might be tempted to vape but that it's essential to resist the urge. Quitting vaping is hard, especially for teens. Let your teen know you're there for them and willing to help however possible.
  • Encourage your teen to ask questions and be ready to answer them openly and honestly.

How to handle your teen's reactions 

  • Be prepared for mixed reactions from your teen. Some teens may be receptive to your concerns and willing to discuss vaping. Others may be defensive or angry.
  • If your teen is defensive or angry, stay calm to avoid arguing. Let them know you're there to listen and want to support them.
  • Don't give up if your teen is unwilling to talk to you about vaping. Try to speak to them again at a later time. You could also suggest they talk to a trusted adult, such as a teacher or counsellor.

Additional tips

  • Be respectful of your teen's feelings.
  • Avoid using judgmental language.
  • Focus on the facts.
  • Be patient. It may take some time for your teen to come around.
  • Don't panic. Give yourself time to let your feelings settle, and then you can feel prepared to have a constructive conversation with them.
  • Be a role model: If you or anyone in your household vapes, consider quitting or using alternatives. It's much harder for them to vape and more accessible to resist temptation if no vaping devices or products are around the house.

Vaping among teenagers is an escalating concern, but as a parent or carer, you hold the key to making a real difference in your child's life. Remember, the most crucial aspect is to ensure your teenager knows you're there for them and that your support is unwavering.

If you face challenges communicating with your teen or need further guidance on steering the often complex issues surrounding adolescence, I specialise in providing support and guidance. Get in touch with me to explore how we can collaborate to ensure the well-being and future of your teenager.
As parents, caregivers, and professionals, we can empower our youth to make informed, healthier choices. Your proactive steps today will pave the way for your teen's safer and brighter tomorrow.