Happy Teens 101: Counsellor-Approved Tips for Raising Happy Adolescents
As parents and carers, we all want the best outcomes for our children, including their happiness, health and resilience. However, raising teenagers and preteens is both an art and a science. Here are six practical tips and suggestions that can help you influence your child's happiness and wellbeing and raise them to be happy and […]
Getting Over the ‘ick: Navigating Challenges for Stronger Bonds
Have you ever experienced 'the ick'? Is it something you're going through now? Concerned that your partner might be feeling 'the ick' about you? Is it a deal-breaker, or is recovery possible? Definition: The 'ick' is a sudden feeling of disgust or repulsion towards a dating partner someone was previously attracted to, leading to boredom, […]
Raising Teens and Riding Waves: A Parent’s Survival Guide
As your child hurtles into adolescence and their teen years, you can be carried along on their emotional rollercoaster on a ride you weren't quite prepared for! Biological shifts, hormonal surges, and intense emotions create quite the journey. How can you ensure you and your teen emerge from this journey in one piece? Understanding the […]