Teen Vaping: Insights and Strategies for Parents
Are you worried your teenage child might be vaping? As a parent, it's natural to be concerned about the influences surrounding our adolescents, particularly when issues like teenage vaping are rising. Vaping, despite its legal age restrictions, is increasingly becoming a widespread habit among teenagers. In fact, it's been labelled an "epidemic" by experts. The […]
Building Trust and Finding Hope: What to talk about in therapy
Once you've decided to explore therapy, you might wonder what you will discuss in your sessions. It can feel like standing at the edge of an abyss, wondering where to start and what will happen once you jump in. This article will give you some insights and tips on where to begin with your therapy. […]
Supporting Your Child Through the University Transition: A Parent’s Guide
Congratulations. Your kid is off to uni! As well as pride in your offspring's achievement, you might be left feeling a sense of loss and emptiness. This is often unrecognised as having your (nearly adult) child move out is a normal, healthy part of life. Significant life events, such as retirement or menopause, often compound […]