woman holding piece of paper with smile over mouth
Parenting Under the Shadow: Confronting Imposter Syndrome as a Parent
Do you believe that, whatever you do for your children, it is never enough? Do you question every decision you make? Do you worry you’re letting your children down and not doing enough for them to thrive? You doubt your parenting, feel you are inadequate as a mother, and that you will never be good […]
School anxiety and refusal: How to help your child cope with school stress and anxiety
Is your teenage child finding school difficult? Are they struggling to make it in? Are they coming home and unleashing their overwhelmed feelings on you? School is important, not just for learning maths and geography, but also for getting on with others and functioning in society. When you realise they are struggling at school, the […]
The Empower Hour: Discovering the Potential of Single Session Therapy
When you find you have a particular issue that you want help with sooner rather than later, an Empower Hour of single-session therapy can help. Rather than a specific counselling approach, single-session therapy is designed to help you address a particular problem or issue in one session. It is based on the view that people […]