Kids online: Gaming red flags to watch out for
Does it feel like all your teen wants to do is play video games? Games are designed to keep us plugged in and playing. It’s hard to stop and they typically don’t come to an end. They are also enjoyable and present us with a challenge that we want to persist with in order to […]
How to look after your child’s mental health when they start uni
Are you getting ready to send your child off to uni? Moving away from home to go to uni is not easy – how can you make it more painless? Just because they aren’t living in the same place as you doesn’t mean you aren’t parenting them anymore. It is a new parenting chapter. They […]
6 ways to get your teen off their phone: A parent’s guide
Do you feel your teenager is always glued to their phone or other digital devices? Are you worried about the impact this is having on their mental health? The truth is that it's not all bad and that there are benefits to using digital devices. Young people have a strong need for social connections, which can […]